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Home » News » In Support of America’s ‘Heroes’, Singer-Songwriter Gregg Robins Joins With HonorVet to Raise Funds For U.S. Military Returning Home


In Support of America’s ‘Heroes’, Singer-Songwriter Gregg Robins Joins With HonorVet to Raise Funds For U.S. Military Returning Home

“Helping our Heroes at Home” Initiative Will Donate All Proceeds From Robins’ Song ‘Heroes’ to HonorVet

Singer-songwriter Gregg Robins will use the song ‘Heroes’ from his 10/25 debut CD ‘Everything That Matters’ to raise funds for American military returning home from the battlefield. Robins has partnered with HonorVet for his “Helping our Heroes at Home” initiative, in which 100% of the proceeds from sales/downloads of the song ‘Heroes’ will be donated to HonorVet.

The ‘Heroes’ song is available for a donation here.

Robins comments: “Building community and empowering our veterans by giving them the tools they need to re- integrate back home – this is what’s special for me about the HonorVet approach. We honor ourselves by honoring those who have so bravely served our country as we help them to feel at home once again.”

Jesse Canella, C.E.O. of HonorVet, commented: “It has been such a pleasure to get to know Gregg. He truly is passionate about giving back and supporting the military community and his song ‘Heroes’ makes that very clear. We are grateful for his support not only to our organization but also to the entire community of those who have and continue to serve our great nation.”Early reviews have praised Robins’ CD as evoking the music of Cat Stevens, and of having “a particular resonance.” The Record-Journal commented, “Robins’ song “Heroes” tells the story of soldiers returning home. He does it masterfully and with such heart and passion, which is hard to capture in song.”

The song was written on the eve of Robins’ visit to the Landstuhl Medical facility in Germany. He recently discussed the track in an expansive podcast interview, and a transcript of the discussion re ‘Heroes’ follows: “Heroes is written for our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. The intention with this track is to raise funds specifically for them…”

Heroes release

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